
You mentioned salvation

"You mentioned salvation," I said. "What kind of salvation?"
"I believe in the remission of sins," Zapalac said. "The world's, the nation's, the individual's sins. Do penance and they shall be forgiven. Salvation consists in the remission of sins. Whatever penances can be performed. Whatever denials or offerings up."
"Are you serious?"
"The nation's sins," he said.
"That was the administration bunding."
"I'm going in the back way. It's part of my overall schemata. I like to turn up behind people's backs. Suddenly there I am, at their shoulder blades, ready to be a friend to the enemies of injustice."
I walked back to Staley Hall. In the dining room I saw Bloomberg sitting with Spurgeon Cole. I put some corn flakes on a tray and joined them.
"How's Coach,fake uggs?" Spurgeon said.
"He's progressing as anticipated."
"I have a feeling," Bloomberg said, "that's he's about ready to shuffle off these mortal coils, as they say in show business."
"How does it feel being captain, Gary?"
"I get to go out for the coin toss. I've always wanted to be part of that,UGG Clerance. It's tremendously ceremonial without being too pompous."
"He's wearing the dark glasses again," Spurgeon said. "He hasn't worn them in months. Now he's wearing them."
"I know all about it. I have no comment."
"It must mean something, Gary. Dark glasses indoors in the dead of winter."
"It doesn't mean anything. Look at Steeples. Steeples is going around with a gold glove on his hand. What the hell does that mean?"
"Steeples has some kind of infection. It's ugly as hell apparently. He was exposed to something. It's a sort of burn plus a sort of infection. He just wants to keep it hidden."
"Is that all you're eating?" Bloomberg said to me.
"It contains vitamin B, iron and niacin."
"I'm up to threeosix," he said. "The new mind expands with the old body. I feel more alert every day. I feel revitalized."
Bing Jackmin came over and sat down. His tray held baked ham, mashed potatoes, salad and pound cake. He was looking at me intensely.
"Did you talk to Coach?"
"Give me time," I said.
"There is no time."
"Can't you start growing it and then either keep it going or terminate it when I find out what the word is?"
"Terminate what?" Spurgeon said.
"His excess hair. He wants a beard. Does anybody know what the prevailing attitude is on excess hair?"
"Excess hair is acceptable if it doesn't exceed accepted standards," Spurgeon said.
"There's your answer, Bing."
"I am interested in certain aspects of global violence," Bloomberg said.
"Pass the salt," Bing said.
"This meat," Spurgeon said. "There's something wrong with this meat."
Bloomberg cleared his throat.
"I am an anguished physicist. I take long walks in the country. From time to time I have second thoughts about the supermegaroach aerosol bomb which can kill anything that moves on the whole earth in a fraction of a microsecond and which I alone invented and marketed. As I walk the peaceful country lanes of the Institute for Abstract Speculation and Sneak Attacks way out there in an unmarked site somewhere in the Pacific Northeast, a television crew films my every step. The director asks me to gaze up over the treetops and to squint slightly into the late afternoon sun. At such moments I think of my roachbomb and I am filled with a sense of deep humility and also with a feeling of fantastic bloodsucking power. And I am reminded of the comforting words of the famed celestial song of the Hindus. What is this crime I am planning,homepage, O Krishna? So you see, my friends, I am not without a sense of history nor of personal responsibility,fake uggs boots. I have a human side and I love the classics. As I smoke my pipe and play a quiet game of chess with my lovely wife, the mother of three fine boys by a previous marriage, I like to ruminate on the nature of man. What brought us forth from the primordial slime? Whither are we headed? What is the grand design? And pondering these vast questions over cheese and port, I come to the realization that one terminal bomb more or less makes small difference in this everexpanding universe of ours."

