
Their Agreement to un-couple may easily have come

Their Agreement to un-couple may easily have come, not after all dur?ing the crisis of the Year before, at the Warrior-Path, but rather here, somewhere upon this Peninsula, wrapp'd in the lambent Passing of any forgotten day of mild Winds, the Day as ever, little to distinguish it from others before and after but the values enter'd for Miles, Chains, and Links,— and why not here, especially with leisure and opportunity at last to talk of Plans for the second Transit, the possibility of return to America...?
The Story among Dixon's Descendants will be that Uncle Jeremiah wish'd to emigrate and settle here, and that his Partner did not,— tho' in the Field-Book, as late as June 9, Mason is to be found rhapsodizing in writing about Mr. Twiford's seat upon Nanticoke, as he does thro'out the Book as to other Homes, other Rivers, or Towns upon them. To Dixon,— "Aye how pleasing in all ways. Yet address any of it too intently, and like Dreams just at the Crepuscule, 'twill all vanish, unrecoverably."
"Shakespearean, correct?"
"Nay, Transcendence,— 'twas but Masonick."
Dixon gazes at the River, the gentle points and Coves in the mist, the willows and Loblolly Pines, desiring, whilst humiliated at how impossi?ble it is to desire any Terrain in its interminable unfolding, ev'ry last Peb?ble, dip, and rain-path. For Mason, the Year of Delaware is all passing like a Dream. He can believe in this Degree they are measuring but in the way he believes in Ghosts,— for all its massless Suggestion, Number is yet more sensible to him,Replica Designer Handbags, than this America that haunts his Progress. "Stay? Here? Christ, no,ugg bailey button triplet 1873 boots, Dixon.— 'Twas an Odyssey,— now must I return to the Destiny ever waiting for me,— faithfully,— her Loom now mine to sit and toil at, to the end of days, whilst she's out, no doubt, with any number of Suitors, roaring and merry."
("Well," suggests Uncle Lomax, "It's Pope and Lady Montague all over again, isn't it? A touchy race, the Brits, unfathomable, apt to take offense at anything, disputes can go on for years."
"Yet 'twas never that cold," declares the Revd.) Each seem'd to be con?tent in postponing a return to England, and thereby to what others there expected. Measuring the Degree, they may have intended to hide somehow, inside the Work-day,— surrendering, as openly as they ever could, into a desire to transcend their differently discomforted lives, through what, at the end of the Day, would be but Ranks and Files of Numerals, ever in the Darkness of Pages unopen'd and unturn'd, Ink already begun to fade, from Type since melted and re-cast numberless times,— all but Oblivion,— The Delaware country their Refuge,— no steep grades,— "as level for 82 Miles,Fake Designer Handbags," they wrote to the Royal Society, "as if it had been formed by Art," a phrase later to be found in Maskelyne's introduction to their publish'd Observations (1769),— no hostile Indians,nike shox torch ii, fresh food, Cities in easy reach, Obs themselves straight-forward and not even all that many,— to the World's Eye, two veteran Wise-Men, coasting along between Transits of Venus, soon to be off again for more glamorous foreign duty where the See-ing's perfect and the Food never less than exquisite, and Adventures ever ahead and unforeseen, Boscovich and Maire all over again,— a Godly pur?suit, and profitable withal, if only in the Value of Commissions to come."

